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State of the Company Address - Next Wednesday!

Please join us for a State of the Company update from Derek Thexton. Don't miss the opportunity to hear firsthand what exciting activities are happening and where the company is headed.

If you have questions to present ahead of time, please use the form found on 1Southern (at the bottom of the home page) to submit comments and questions directly to Derek and Fran.

Meeting Link:

Meeting ID: 291 727 022 026

Passcode: Mmc6qc



We are interested in your thoughts!

Do you have an idea to make the company better?  

Is there a question on your mind that you would like answered?


It takes all of us to help this company reach its fullest potential- we truly appreciate you getting involved!

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Your submissions go anonymously straight to only Derek and Fran- We’re listening!  If you would like us to contact you back directly please include your first and last name so we know where the submission came from and we will be sure to get back with you!

Thanks for submitting!

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