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Reminder - Sales & Production Teams

The sales and production teams have been rocking their portion of this project! Let's get the information collection portion of this across the finish line! If you are finished with your portion, see if you can help someone who may be struggling! The photos and information about you will transform into a quick introduction text, sent out to customers before you arrive! How great is that? From experience, it puts a customer at ease to know what to expect!

Do you need an extra incentive to complete this task? If so, please know that one of the great benefits of this tool is the ability to reward positive reviews! Stay tuned for the details but with no bio or picture, you are taking yourself out of the game!!



We are interested in your thoughts!

Do you have an idea to make the company better?  

Is there a question on your mind that you would like answered?


It takes all of us to help this company reach its fullest potential- we truly appreciate you getting involved!

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Your submissions go anonymously straight to only Derek and Fran- We’re listening!  If you would like us to contact you back directly please include your first and last name so we know where the submission came from and we will be sure to get back with you!

Thanks for submitting!

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