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Company Sale Update

Southern Team, Mr. Felton has reached the point in his life where he is ready to retire from the business he loves so dearly. He has more than earned that right. His wish is to keep the company in the family and continue to provide a comfortable, caring place where we can all be proud to work. To honor his wish, Ed Felton (35 years with Southern), Fran Felton (29 years with Southern), and I (President with almost 14 years with Southern) are purchasing Southern Industries from Mr. Felton. This will ensure that we continue with the Values and work-ethic he instilled in us, and that no one from the outside will be buying our company. We will be free to continue to work together and shape Southern as we confidently move into the future. Our “One Southern” approach for 2022 will focus on providing all of you the support you need so that we ALL can focus on providing a great customer experience that we can be proud of. Thanks to all of you in the Southern Family for all that you do, we are truly excited that this is the direction our company has taken. Let’s go to work! Thanks again, Derek Thexton


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