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It's Earth Day!

"The Earth has music for those that listen" - Unknown

In honor of Earth Day, we are sharing a few ideas on how to celebrate our beautiful planet:

  • Educate yourself. Read a book, subscribe to a blog, watch a documentary, or attend a seminar that will help to educate you on environmental issues on which you aren’t up to speed.

  • Change your light bulbs. While changing a light bulb doesn’t sound like one of the most exciting Earth Day activities for adults, switching to CFL or LED lighting options can have a great impact on energy use.

  • Clean out a closet. Everyone has some usable items lying around that have been forgotten. Clean out a closet and donate gently used things to local charities to give them new life. Use our One Southern B/S/T forum to offer your items to others!

  • Cut back on plastic. Walk around your home and see what kind of disposable plastics you are using and where they can be replaced with reusable options, then go out and purchase reusable water bottles, grocery bags and other containers while recycling the more wasteful options.

  • Go on a hike. Spend some time simply getting outdoors and remembering why it’s so important to celebrate Earth Day and protect our world.

Have a great weekend!!


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